Explosive Lifting for Sports Book/DVD Package-The Enhanced EditionThe movements in competitive weightlifting - the snatch, clean, jerk, and other variations - can make you a more powerful athlete, no matter what sport you're in. The enhanced edition of Explosive Lifting for Sports Book/DVD package shows how to incorporate these exercises into your own sports training program. This special package demonstrates the safest, most effective learning progressions for the snatch, clean, jerk, pulling assistance exercises, squat, and other lifts. Perform each lift safely with step-by-step instructions and develop the strength, power, and speed you need for your specific sport. Included are specific power-development programs for 10 different power sports: football, baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, hockey, track and field, wrestling, racket sports, and competitive weightlifting. Also included is a DVD on which Harvey Newton, brings to life the safest, most effective learning progressions for all of these lifts. Just as important, he outlines key technical adjustments and exercise options for athletes of various body types. This Enhanced Edition also grants you exclusive access to an online collection of Dartfish enhanced video analysis of the lifts. View each exercise in "real time" or review and study the execution with on-screen instruction and frame by frame breakdown of key movements. The combination of instruction and analysis establishes a new benchmark for weightlifting and training. Most coaches and athletes today agree that resistance training creates stronger, faster players who are more resistant to injury. Improve your performance on the field or on the court and develop whole-body power with this enhanced edition of Explosive Lifting for Sports. Dimensions: 27.69 x 21.59 x 2.79 centimetres (0.31 kg)競争力のあるウェイトリフティング - 奪取、クリーン、ジャーク、およびその他のバリエーション - の動きは、あなたがどんなスポーツにいても、より強力な選手になります。
スポーツブック/ DVDパッケージの爆発的リフティングの拡張版は、これらのトレーニングは、あなたのスポーツトレーニングプログラムに組み込まれています。
寸法:27.69 x 21.59 x 2.79センチメートル(0.31 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
「伝票番号の追跡サイトへの反映には10日程度かかります」 当店のカード決済代行会社は Rakuten Commerce LLC です。